Sunday, March 28, 2010

Losing Weight

For as long as I can remember I've wanted to lose weight. I really struggle to lose and keep it off. I've been trying to lose weight since Eva was born, but haven't been very successful, moslty because of my eagerness to give into food temptations and not working out. So I am starting again, right now. I 've decided to make my goal public to give myself some accountability as I go through this process. Below are my "beginning"photos. They were taken yesterday at the children's museum

My goal is to lose 54 lbs. It is a lofty one, but a healthy one. Losing 54 lbs will put me in the middle of a healthy BMI range. I am usually pretty secretive about losing weight and I don't really now why, so I thought by posting my weight loss process I would have accountability for it all and in turn lose weight. I don't know if any of you have read Dr. Phil's Seven Keys to Weight Loss Success, but that is what I will be using. Well, wish me luck and I will try to keep you posted once a week with how it is all going. Thanks!


Lynnette said...

You go girl! I know you can do it!!!

SpinIt! said...

Hey, if you get a gym membership, you can leave the girls with me and I'll do the same after our baby is born!! You CAN do it!

Carlynne Carter said...

Thanks for the support!

Carlynne said...
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