Thursday, October 27, 2011

First of the Seattle Pictures

This is the lake by my parent's house. I can't remember the name of it (pregnancy brain). It was beautiful and probably one of my favorite spots there.

Science Museum

The Seattle Temple

We stopped at the temple in Seattle one of the days that I was there. Eva fell asleep and we didn't want to wake her, so my mom stayed in the car while Elizabeth and I walked around. It was a fun experience and I couldn't believe all of the questions Elizabeth had about the temple as we walked around.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Ohio Pictures

We have had a crazy and busy summer. Lance was away for 4 months, so it was just me and the girls. We went to Ohio for a week with Lance's family, to Seattle for 3 weeks to visit my parents, and my mom came here to visit and help with girls quite a bit. Here are the pics from Ohio. I'll try to get the others done soon.

Family Pic

I know this is from June, but at least I am finally posting it. Thanks Clarissa for taking it!